

Circular Ruins

At first, it was hard to understand, because I was not sure which part is dream and which part is reality. However, at the end the author made my concern useless, because he stated that even reality that the man had, it is just another dream of somebody else. This remind me what I used to think. I used to imagine that what if the reality that I am having is another person's dream? Is the one that dreaming is me or someone else? At that moment, I felt I am being separated from my surrounding.

The Library of Babel

Babel is a building that existed years and years ago. The description of this building is featured on Bible. The author, Jorge Luis Borges, borrow this into the world that he created. In the library of Babel, there are uncountable number of books, and built in hexagon shaped rooms. All the people in there, the were eager to find "truth". This is just my assumption, maybe Borges made this library and made people to find it, because there are "truth" as many as books, but when group of people try to find something, they just simply assume that it will be just 'one'. This will make impossible to people to find "truth" 

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