Our fictional documentary will be about a song and an artist. A song on YouTube got really popular. However, no one knows who is the artist. Generally, the basic story line is finding this guy. We got our inspiration from a movie called "Searching for the Sugar man." This movie is a real documentary about searching for an artist who is really famous in South Africa, but sold 10 albums in United States.
2.You-tube video starts to play the song. - original song title: Latch by Sam Smith/ still-image only
3.Listening the song.
5. Video Screen shot of twitting.
6. Captured Social media image pop-up.
7. Reporter is reporting about the song.
8.Billboard chart
9.Who is this guy??
10.Interview[1] expert
11.Investigating scene
12.Interview[2] tattooist
13. Trying to catch a taxi
14~16. Walk towards to the guy.
17. Focus on his tattoo on his hand.
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